Friday, March 3, 2017

Roasted Veggies Recipe

Roasted Veggies

This is the easiest/laziest of all my recipes. If you don’t feel like cooking, I promise you can manage this. The only prep-work is cutting up your veggies, then it’s mostly hands off!
I do most, if not all of my grocery shopping at Aldi. If you shop there, you know that they don’t always have the same stuff. I work with what looks good that they have there. For instance, I just made mine with onions, zucchini, potatoes, and mushrooms, because that is what they had at Aldi that looked good. You can make this with ANY veggies that you have that sound good at the moment.
You can season your veggies however, for whatever mood you are in. Want something spicy? Try using salt, pepper, garlic, chili powder, cumin, maybe a dash of cayenne for extra heat. Whatever you are in the mood for!
This is how I usually do mine when I make this. It’s comforting and delish!

Sliced veggies of your choice/whatever you have on hand
            Garlic powder to taste
            Onion powder to taste
            Salt and Pepper to taste
            (again use whatever seasonings you want)
            Olive oil drizzled over top

Cooking Instructions:
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Place a sheet of parchment paper on a cookie sheet, and spread sliced veggies evenly on pan. Season with desired seasonings and drizzle olive oil over the top. Place pan in pre-heated oven, and let roast for about 45 mins. Enjoy!
(See, I told you it was easy!)

You can pair this with anything you want, but to make sure I get full and have enough protein, I like to eat this with my quinoa rice. (which I usually keep in the fridge, because I eat it with almost every meal) sometimes, I will eat some beans with this too, especially if I have some leftovers from a previous meal. 

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